Sunday, March 9, 2008

March Madness Time Change Spring Forward

Being that it is now Sunday, my Spring Break is nearly finished. I spent much of my break reading Proust, and fiction based on heroin: notably Irvine Welsh’s Trainspotting and Denis Johnson’s short story collection Jesus’ Son, which was recommended to me because I wrote a short story originally entitled “Feel Like Jesus’ Son” about ― you guessed it! ― a heroin addict. I have since revised the story, altering its title to “Always Late,” another classic Lou Reed reference; and I’ve also altered the style, based heavily upon Joycean knock-off stream of consciousness. On a related note, I am working on a research paper about Joyce’s use of stream of consciousness: my thinking being that if I am going to use the style, I should know the history and development of it.

Along with heavy reading this break ― and the consumption of large amounts of rum, whiskey and beer — I did work on a few short stories, my potential novel The Village, and even a couple poems. Somehow that seemed a lot cooler in my head then typed up… but maybe someone will find it cool.

Tonight I bought Beautiful Children by Charles Boch. It was published just a couple months ago, and the New York Times Book Review gave it a nice review and it sounded interesting to me. Maybe I will read it soon and review it myself. I would like to publish reviews on this blog… once I start reading faster. For now, a couple of reviews: if you want to read about Scottish heroin addicts and other crazy Scottish people written in English and Scots, read Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh; and if you want to read the genius of Marcel Proust, read Proust. Hopefully these reviews will become more sophisticated as time goes on.

I feel like I had more to write, but a lot of it got lost along the way. Anyways, more will come sometime I am sure, and maybe even a short story or a poem will float along and find itself here. But it is almost 4 AM, due to the time change, and thus I should try and get some sleep, for I only had four hours of sleep last night, seeing as I was up ‘til 4:30 AM reading, and then I had to wake up at 8:30 AM in order to go to defensive driving, which was required so that I can get my license back and drive once again.

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